Chicago Based Ez Blockchain Eyes Natural Gas In Permian Basin


Ez Blockchain is a crypto company that has been eyeing on the natural gas available in the Permian Basin. They crave to render most of the vast amounts of wasted natural gas found in the Permian Basin. Ez Blockchain cryptocurrency mining company based in Chicago who mainly aims to create portable servers and digital currencies and circulate them globally.

 What are the Motives For Eyeing The Natural Gas at Permian Basin?

The main intention is to get a huge volume of electricity, and the Permian Basin has it. The companies, vice president, Christopher Thomas, said that they are looking for a spot to deploy servers for bitcoin and digital currencies. He says that natural gas is just wasted on the Permian Basin. Therefore, the Ez Blockchain could use it. They have also deployed servers and generator combos in the Bakken Shale and Midwest. For their quest to search for the cheapest electricity, they have been eyeing the basin for a long time, and now they have deployed servers for a better future of cryptocurrency.

 What Have They Deployed In the Permian Basin?

Ez Blockchain has already deployed 700 computer servers and a natural gas server in 40 food containers on the east coast. This deployment aims to utilize the gas form standard source that can generate 2.5 megawatts of electricity. They are the portable servers for the Ez Blockchain company.

 How Is The Gas Wasted?

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis expresses that different oil companies have already wasted 238.1 billion cubic feet of gas already in 2018, which is worth a whopping $750 billion! EzBlockchain has also shown interest in partnering up with oil well operators who can help them by providing adequate air conditions to keep the servers cool. This step is necessary because the area is mostly affected by the desert heat. Keeping everything perfect till the process runs, is very important, Thomas added. The cost has not yet been disclosed, yet by the company.