
Bitcoin News Journal

Ripple Price Prediction For 2018

Litecoin Is Back in Top 5 Crypto Currency List

Following the path of Bitcoin, Litecoin is back I top 5 crypto currency list after a long time. Thanks to the rapid rise in prices with Litecoin, two old acquaintances of Bitcoin is now

Litecoin QT

Guide To Secure & Backup Your Litecoin Wallet

Just like Bitcoins, Litecoins are also exposed to several vulnerabilities for i.e. Malwares, Online Theft etc. Most Litecoin users store their Litecoins in their computers. Official wallet also come with great security concerns. For

Lealana Litecoins are physical coins

Lealana, First Physical Litecoin Now Available For Order

Lealana, first ever physical Litecoin made of silver is now available for order. Each Lealana Litecoin is a collectible coin with its own Litecoin address and a redeemable “private key” on the inside, underneath

Litecoin Mtgox

Mt. Gox Hints To Start Litecoin Trading In July

Mt. Gox, worlds biggest Bitcoin exchange, is silently working hard to bring Litecoin trading as soon as possible. Today Mt. Gox clarified rumors and doubts on their decision to suspend USD withdrawals for two

Litecoin Mining Difficulty

Litecoin Is The Future Of GPU Mining

Litecoin, conceptually similar to virtual currency Bitcoin but aims to have a fast and lighter structure. Litecoin is generally considered as Silver of crypto currencies while Bitcoin as Gold. Litecoin was born after some


How To Buy Litecoin With USD, Paypal, Credit Card

Litecoin (LTC), second biggest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin is growing at good rate. The digital currency has experienced a meteoric rise in recent months. The total value of the crypto-currency is currently at 88 million

Litecoin Miner

How To Mine Litecoin (LTC) With Your PC

Litecoin mining, is very similar to Bitcoin mining. All you need is a CPU / GPU miner tool and subscription to a mining pool. In this article we’ll show you the easiest, fastest and

Litecoin Mining Pool

List of Litecoin Mining Pool

Bitcoins are so often viewed as an electronic gold with Litecoins be seen as silver. It was now time to be seen. Fact is, the electronic currencies in recent years are coming in strong.